Airline Strangeness

Note: This post was written in 2007 and I was in a different place mentally and emotionally. The recovery I’ve been through from 2022 on has changed my views on a lot of things, and I can critique myself effectively. I’ll do that in a modernized version of this post which I will link when it is complete. Please take my lack of recovery into account when you read this.

So, I was in Iowa for a few days at someone’s wedding.  Actually, acting as a groomsman (i’ll try to get a pic from him at some point, I actually looked pretty good this time in a tux, better than I did at my own wedding tbh).  Iowa City, to be precise, which is right next to Cedar Rapids, which is where I flew in to.

I was on the short hop tonight back fom Cedar Rapids to Chicago and onward to BWI.  I’m writing this from O’Hare.  I was flying one of those Canadair regional jets, which have 4 seats across in the United configuration (or any, I think, Air Canada does it the same way).  I’m seated on the inside at the left side window (A seat).

The Frotteur

In seat B is a blonde woman with roots – colored obviously but not in a rotten way, it was cute enough.  She was a typical example of Iowa womanhood – a little extra weight on her, you could see it in the upper arms a tad and the breasts and in her hips.  This is not to say ‘obese’, I think even TL would have found her at least somewhat cute.  Just fairly typical Iowa – the food must be good there.  Somewhere around 30.  Hard to tell around that age but i’m guessing ‘younger’ because of the bag she was carrying and the hands.

She was wearing a brown top and a color-coordinated piece in her hair, and a pair of jeans.  Black and white nails either done professionally or very carefully at home.  Slightly made up but no overapplication of makeup.  Not a member of any wacky religion judging by her appearance and her reading material, which was typical women’s magazines.  The freaky religion thing happens a lot in Iowa i’m afraid, which is why I mention it.  Nothing special, but that’s not to say unattractive, she was cute in a very homey way.  I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers.

Lay of the Land

In any event, nothing abnormal was up the moment I sat down.  I got on the plane last because I was typing something in at the terminal and waited for the line to shorten.  No eye contact from her at all when I asked to sit, nicely.  When I sat down, I didn’t drop the armrest because I was in a hurry and she didn’t seem like she wanted to.  So I kept to myself and got to reading my book (one of the HoME Tolkien books – “The Treason of Isengard” – so I was advertising my geekiness). 

I fold myself into airline seats well given my size.  I’m 275lbs,  6′ 7″, 54″ chest and 42″ waist – i’m telling you this for comparison’s sake.  She was about 5’7″ and I couldn’t guess the weight but it’s probably in the 170-190 range.  Anyway i’m a tight fit under the best of circumstances but this is why I take the window seat, I can push my shoulders to the left into the curve of he aircraft and leave a lot of space for the rest of the people and not impinge on their shoulder space. 

An aisle seat is not so good because my shoulder ends up out in the way of the cart or attendants.  I digress though.  I was cleanly in my seat and not anywhere near her personal space.  Do not have a big ass.  I even had my wallet in my right front pocket.  It’s pretty big – I have way too many access and credit cards, sadly – and presents a barrier to making any hip contact to me. 

She Makes Her Move(s)

That did not stop this woman, however.  After about 5 minutes in flight she shifted so that her hip was in firm contact with me.  No big deal.  Then she starts slightly gyrating her hips.  I mean, if she had to pee that was right down the aisle.  But that wasn’t it – i saw her waiting for a gate-checked bag on the way out and she wasn’t hopping on one leg or anything.  It almost seemed like she was rubbing against me on purpose.  Still avoiding all eye contact. 

Eventually she stopped gyrating and just started moving up and down against me.  I’m thinking, this is half a lap dance for free.  I peered over at her and she’s still studiously avoiding eye contact, as she did for the rest of the flight, which was only about 30 minutes.  Kept it up just about till we got to the gate and then as soon as the jetway clanged into position she leapt up and turned her head away.  I caught her looking back at me once but she quickly averted her eyes.  She walked out 2 in front of me, stopped for her gate-checked bag and I just moved on because that’s me in an airport.  I don’t have time to talk up women.  Also, that wedding ring was a deterrent. :b

I certainly didn’t mind but it was very bizarre indeed.  Maybe she needed a thrill and her marriage precludes it?  I don’t know.  Later I was informed about “Frotteurism which seems to fit the fetish here. I thought it weird, I had never heard of it before.

A suitable end to my Iowa trip.  I shan’t be going back soon.

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