Last Garbage Day in WV
It’s amazing how much different life looks now than when I was writing that FB post in the picture above.
It’s amazing how much different life looks now than when I was writing that FB post in the picture above.
This could be my new house So I was searching around Zillow and locally for a new house with my
A conversation with my Sponsor Usually, sponsor conversations are incredibly private. In this case, i’m going to reveal a bit
So there was an explosion a few blocks from my house. The money-grubbing idiots at Fox News won’t let me
Why go back on my word? She started having people other than herself harass me by phone. I realized that
How did I get involved again? Analie’s situation was horrendous. She’d broken up with her post-me boyfriend after some abuse
So these three tunes had a long journey to get to you. They were recorded on a boom box in